U.S. Approves First Off-Shore Wind Farm
Despite eight years of lawsuits, the Obama administration finally approved the first off-shore wind farm in the United States. Approval was given for 130 windmills, each rising 440ft above the ocean's surface, just off Cape Cod. Much opposition has come from local residents worried about loosing their view of the ocean. Most of these groups threaten to continue the lawsuits. The windmills would be 5 miles from shore at their closest point.
The company responsible for the wind turbines, Cape Wind, hopes to eventually provide three-quarters of the power for Cape Cod.
If you ever venture to the beach, you would notice the consistent afternoon winds. Offshore wind is an untaped resource which the U.S. is now poised to exploit. Many forms of renewable energy, including wind power, will have to be used make up the diversified portfoilio needed to meet all of our energy needs.
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